(offered) - A 260
Memorializing Congress or the federal government: eliminating the prohibition against offering an Assembly joint resolution or the Assembly receiving a Senate joint resolution [Assembly rules 32 (1)(a), 39 (1), 41 (1)]
(offered) - A 340
Memorializing Congress or the federal government: exemption from rules prohibiting [Assembly rules 32 (1)(a) and 39 (1)]
(offered) - A 340, 341, 508, 826
Roll call votes using a voting machine (legislature): required to stay open for 3 minutes [Assembly rule 76 (4m)]
(offered) - A 508
Roll call votes using a voting machine (legislature): required to stay open for 5 minutes [Assembly rule 76 (4m)]
(offered) - A 476
rules _ joint Rules — Joint
Executive budget bill: identification and removal of affected policy items; LRB and JCF provisions [Joint rules 28 and 51m]
(offered) - A 149
Executive budget bill: identification and removal of affected policy items; LRB and JCF provisions [Joint rules 28 and 51m]
(offered) - S 138
Floorperiods for 2005-06 session created; limited-business floorperiod provision re JCRAR bills [Joint rules 81r, 83 (4), 83 (4)(b)]
(offered) - S 4
(adopted) - S 5
(received from Senate) - A 14
(concurred in) - A 14
Floorperiods for 2005-06 session: December 2006 floorperiod moved to July 12, 2006; JCRAR and JCOER provisions [Joint rules 81r and 83 (4)(b)]
(offered) - S 818
(adopted) - S 832
(received from Senate) - A 1114
(concurred in) - A 1114
Fund-raising social events and related campaign contributions by legislators before enactment of the executive budget bill prohibited [Joint rules 11 and 12]
(offered) - A 329
Limited-business floorperiod re bills introduced by JCRAR: bills with minimum wage as a subject and not agreed to by both houses excluded [Joint rule 81r]
(offered) - A 49
rules _ senate Rules — Senate
Senate amendment or substitute amendment to executive budget bill containing certain types of policy items: Senate shall not consider [Senate rule 52m]
(offered) - S 138
Senate daily sessions and meetings of its committees: prohibited meeting times [Senate rules 14, 14 (title), 14 (2), and 25 (3)]
(offered) - S 305
Senate rules revised; new rules created [Senate rules 1m (title), (3), 2 (3), 4 (1) (intro.), (2), 5 (title), (3), (4), (4)(b), 6 (title), (3), 7 (4), 8 (4), (5), 11 (title), (7), 17 (5), 18 (1), (2), (3), 20 (7), 22 (1), 24, 25 (1), (1)(b) and (d), 26 (1), (2), 27 (1), (2)(intro.), (2)(a) and (b), (3), (4)(b), 32 (1), (2), 36 (1), (2)(a) and (b), 37 (1), (4), 38 (3), 40, 41 (1)(b) and (e), 46 (1)(a) and (b), (2)(am) and (b) and (c) and (d), 46 (6), 47 (2), (3), 50 (6)(a) and (b) and (b) 1., 2., 3., and 4., 52, 66, 70, 70 (2), (3), 73m, 77 (title), (1), (3), 78, 79, 80, 88 (2), 89, 93 (title), (intro.), (1), (1d), (1p), (2), 94 (1), (2), 98 (3), 99 (27m), (58)]
(offered) - S 54
(adopted) - S 56
ruling of the chair _ assembly Ruling of the chair — Assembly
Call of the Assembly: parliamentary inquiry re leave of absence - A 1126
(Motion ruled out of order) - A 1126
ruling of the chair _ senate Ruling of the chair — Senate
AB-21 not properly before the Senate under s.13.52 (6) - S 670
(Taken under advisement) - S 670
(Ruled not well taken) - S 674
Calendar for extraordinary session - S 301
(Ruled not well taken pursuant to Senate Rule 17) - S 301
Motion to table a motion to adjourn not in order - S 219
(Ruled well taken pursuant to Senate Rule 68) - S 219
S.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.3 to SB-483 not germane - S 790
(Taken under advisement) - S 790
(Ruled not well taken) - S 791
seat assignments Seat assignments
Assembly seating assignments - A 12, 561, 564, 719
secretary of state _ communication to assembly Secretary of State — Communication to Assembly
Constitutional amendments eligible for 2nd consideration - A 10
secretary of state _ communication to senate Secretary of State — Communication to Senate
Constitutional amendments eligible for 2nd consideration - S 5
sergeant_at_arms _ assembly Sergeant-At-Arms — Assembly
Byers, Anne Tonnon: appointed Assistant Sergeant-At-Arms - A 9
Skindrud, Richard: elected - A 9
sergeant_at_arms _ senate Sergeant-At-Arms — Senate
Blazel, Edward A.: elected - S 4
speaker of the assembly Speaker of the Assembly
Gard, John G.: elected - A 6
speaker pro tempore of the assembly Speaker Pro Tempore of the Assembly
Freese, Stephen: elected - A 8
special election Special election, see Communication — Senate
special session proclamation Special session proclamation, see Governor
veto message _ assembly Veto message — Assembly, see also Communication — Assembly
AB-3, MPCP enrollment cap increase - A 215
AB-4, federal tax treatments of health savings accounts - A 1156
(Assembly failed to pass notwithstanding objections of the Governor)
 - A 1161
AB-55, private campground owners, operators, and employees immunity from civil liability - A 1154
AB-56: civil actions by local governments against firearm importers, manufacturers, dealers, trade associations, gun clubs, and shooting ranges
 - A 714
AB-58, property tax increase limits - A 128
AB-63, voter registration ID - A 211
(Assembly failed to pass notwithstanding objections of the Governor)
 - A 217
AB-84, 180 day school year requirement modified - A 1019
AB-100, executive budget bill (partial veto) - A 374
Item C-4, nursing home rate increase (Assembly passed notwithstanding objections of the Governor; Senate refused to concur) - A 469, 507; S 366
Item C-8, pharmacy reimbursement rates for brand name prescription drugs (Failed to pass notwithstanding objections of the Governor) - A 494
Item C-9, pharmacy reimbursement rates for dispensing fees (Failed to pass notwithstanding objections of the Governor) - A 494
Item C-14, outpatient hospital reimbursement rates (Failed to pass notwithstanding objections of the Governor) - A 495
Item C-16, bariatric surgery [gastric bypass] prohibition (Failed to pass notwithstanding objections of the Governor) - A 495
Item F-3, adoption expenses credit (Failed to pass notwithstanding objections of the Governor) - A 492
Item F-4, health savings accounts (Failed to pass notwithstanding objections of the Governor) - A 492
AB-152, precentage of fines and forfeitures retained by counties - A 1019
AB-207, health care provider refusal to provide certain medical procedures on moral or religious grounds - A 526
AB-208, rural enterprise development zone (partial veto) - A 1022
(Assembly failed to pass notwithstanding objections of the Governor)
 - A 1160